Home - September and Settling In



Last week, the day before my birthday, I officially released 23 of the the paintings I worked on during the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge in September. I've already shared some of my take-aways as I wrapped up the project. And with gratitude and surprise, I realized within the first hour 6 were already claimed! Every time someone buys a piece of artwork, I basically do a little happy dance knowing that it will bring someone else joy! As we settle in to our new home, I'm looking forward to exploring more. The landscape here feels like a surprise every time I walk outside - and I'm hoping that doesn't wear off anytime soon! This project was about finding the beauty of this new world around us and celebrating it as a joy each day.



Travis and I spent my birthday weekend exploring Mt. Rainier National Park (we were rained out and totally unprepared, oops!) and then the Olympic National Forest. Being surrounded by incredible landscape that's protect means you'll probably be seeing this theme of my new "home" continue into the new year!



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